Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Welcome to the class blog!

This blog will be under your control.  You all have the password.  Please do not abuse the power.

Throughout the semester, you will be required to submit 4 blog posts on the following topics:
  • Film of your choice
  • Film made before you were born
  • Text discussed in class
  • Text of your choice 
You will also comment on 2 blog posts each time blog posts are due (for both those who posted and those who did not).

By the end of semester, you will end with:
  • 4 blog posts
  • 8 comments/replies
  • Final project

Blog post requirement:
  • In the Post Title, put a catchy title and by your name
  • 500-750 words
  • Be specific
  • Include quotes and analysis
  • Include a secondary source
  • Entries below 500 words will automatically receive a 65%
  • 100-250 words (below 100 words and it will not count)
  • Reply to something specific (prove that you actually read the post)
  • Don't repeat something someone else said.  Add to the discussion.  You can agree, but then add something extra.
  • Disagreeing is fine, but don't be mean.
  • If you comment from your own blog, make sure I know who you are
 Final Project:
  • To be determined
  • Either an essay or a longer blog post

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