Friday, January 19, 2018

In Class Assignment, The Mummy by Kendra ZeMenye

I remember when I was a little kid, watching the mummy movie in the late 1990's. My family and I would watch the film together, and the movie takes place in ancient Egypt where the mistress of the pharaoh name Anck Su Namun who had an affair with Imhotep who was the pharaoh's high priest. By the time the Pharoah finds out, the mistress and the high priest killed him. Pharoah's bodyguard went after them, and Anck Su Namun had to kill herself so that Imhotep could bring her back from the dead. Apparently, Imhotep was too late, Pharoah's bodyguard caught him and buried him alive. That's the part that scares me, seeing someone murdering somebody, bringing the mummies back from the dead, and those magic spells that bring back the darkness.

After the movie was over, I went to sleep. For my dream, I dream I was inside the temple, and there were a bunch of mummies running after me. I was scared as heck. I kept running and running trying to call out for help, including my family, but there was no one to help me. So, I end up falling into a big hole. I woke up at 7 in the morning making sure that things that I see the mummy movie scene is not real in real life. For years, I've been scared to see that movie. As I'm grown now, I've realized that mummy movie was just make-believe. It was just a thrill and a fantasy movie just to scare people.


  1. Mummies were never a fear of mine but the idea of being buried alive always makes my skin crawl.

    -Dianesa Sanon

  2. I remember when I was young and I watched this movie, the very start of the movie when the flesh-eating bugs came out of the hole always creeped me out. -Kyle Gardner

  3. Mummies were never a fear of mine but the idea of going inside the pyramids makes me want to curl in a ball and hide. Something about the enormity of its physical presence and the idea of being thank you


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