Friday, January 19, 2018

In Class Assignment, Basement Stairs by Dianesa Sanon

When I was younger I had a fear of the basement stairs. The basement was where the computer was and that's where I would spend most of my time after school. The ambience of the basement was fine but it was better when there was someone else with you. The laundry room was also right down there as well and because I was in charge of that chore I was never not taking those stairs. I remember after folding the laundry or eventually being bored of all the computer games on pbskidsgo and y8 games I would dead sprint up the stairs to get to the always lit kitchen. The stair was carpeted and had metal bearings to hold onto ascending and descending the stairs and the stairs had spaces in between. My dad hated it when we left the lights on so before leaving I had to shut them all off but as soon as I turned off the last light it was a dead sprint and knee-highs up the staircase.

I think the reason was the classic 'fear of darkness'. Because I had to turn off the lights I couldn't see anything around me. And the house we lived in was also very aged so without any lights, it always felt haunted. The stairs were an obstacle because I always felt someone would grab my ankles while I was on it and pull me through the spaces. I was a very small child. That fear was mostly because my dad would call me down the stairs when I was even younger than seven years old and would hide behind the stairs and grab at my ankles. Now that I'm an adult that fear has never really subsided. I force myself to walk slowly because, dammit! I'm an adult the gaps in the stairs never cease to spark some sort of anxiety.

Like these stairs but older and spookier.


  1. As a kid, I used to be scared of the dark. Which is why I used my flashlights to see things in the dark. As I'm grown now, I am no longer scared.-Kendra ZeMenye

  2. To be honest, I never really feared the dark as a kid. I think it was a deeper fear of what was actually in the dark that I could not see. Or maybe I was a nervous wreck as a kid?

  3. I also still hate the basement stairs and turning off the light before going up them. My mom still yells at me when I go home about leaving the light on, but the idea of what might try to drag me down the stairs (as impossible as it might be) is enough to prefer my mom's yells and looking slightly crazy than to turn them off.


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