Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Group A, Post 4-Alex Giangreco

I'm really just here to put something up so I can resubmit it later. You all can keep scrolling. Nothing to see here.
Been to 4 different orthopedists and none of them know what's wrong with my knee, but they all really like to write prescriptions.
So, that said, any post I would have tried would have been terribly incoherent due to the medication I'm on.
So, I'll just resubmit this later, when I'm not out of mind in pain.


  1. I thought this was a great post! Much detail, much wow insert doggo meme here

  2. Still counting this as a comment Alan. Nice humor. Love doge. Not intending to write in doge meme-speak, just lazy.


Resubmissios Essay

Throughout this essay I will be discussing the skills that I need to work on with it being personal skills and skills that pert...