Orwell also describe how the citizens of Marrakesh were military. He uses a scenario of an encounter with a worker from the Arab Navy and describes how they were deprived also. Orwell was feeding a gazelle bread when he observes the worker in surprise that he was, in the workers eyes, wasting usable food.After being asked by the worker, Orwell turns to the worker and gives him a piece bread. The worker quickly takes the food and put it in a hidden place. Another encounter was a African solider who was marching and gave Orwell a “shy wide-eyed Negro look.” The solider apparently gave a look of being in the presents of a superior being. Orwell concludes the essay by stating that, “But there is one thought which every white man thinks when he sees a black army marching past. ‘How much longer can we go on kidding these people? How long before they tum their guns in the other direction? ‘It was curious, really. Every white man there has this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind.”
Because of the context of the essay Merrakech, Orwell wrote the essay to grab attention of politicians. He uses every aspect of the environment negitively to create propaganda. According to the Journal of Strategic Security, the article, "All Propaganda is Dangerous, but Some are More Dangerous than Others: George Orwell and the Use of Literature as Propaganda," Orwell produced a paper called Animal Farm, which the the author states that Orwell uses "this paper aims to illustrate the fickle nature of literary works as propaganda"(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1483%26context%3Djss&ved=2ahUKEwjhl4_SmPraAhXG7oMKHZi8DuQQFjACegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0VL4pgkzbj1rZg5W99_Zxr). This is relative to the Marrakech essay because of his negative descriptions corralled to negative context in this essay.
The essay Marrakech is a prime example how someone can look from the outside in and degrade the living conditions of other people. In some situations people make inaccurate judgments based on his or her own life experiences. Although the citizens of Marrakesh suffered from below standard living conditions, the author viewed them in a wrongfully manner. It seems as the author was haughty and it reflected in the context that he wrote the Marrakesh essay. Although it may have seem that the author had a positive objective when he wrote the essay, it is evident he was an outsider looking in as thoughtfully superior. I seem as if Orwell was exploding the citizens of Marrakesh as a tool of propaganda.
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