Monday, April 16, 2018

Bonus 11 by Kyra Moore

The concept of humor is one that I had not given much thought. Upon thinking about the concept that is humor, I struggled to give it a definite definition. Humor is one of those things in life that is not necessarily defined in any regard but is simultaneously a humongous part of culture and society. I would pose the argument that humor is subjective, being based on the crowd or environment that one is in. I would also like to pose the argument that humor is multifaceted, being able to look like a number of things. I personally think that comedy, with comedy shows being a great example, is an event of unity and comedy of some sorts. I pose the argument of comedy being an umbrella of unity because all cultures are subject to being the center of hysteria. This is supported by the racial gift basket video by Gabriel Iglesias- this video attacked a marginalized community with common stereotypes but there was no uproar. This more than likely attributed to the fact that people are aware that are cultures have been the subject of laughter, not just one particular culture. I also think that because the comedian was also a minority who may be subject to the same but different types of stereotypes is also why the jokes he made went over rather smooth.
This phenomenon of comedy promotes an all-inclusive culture in which everyone is on the same playing field- which is virtually inexistent in our current society. Overall, humor is an all-inclusive community that is complex in meaning and definition.
Though all our cultures, or groups, are present or subject to “exploitation”- what makes something funny? I think that something being funny could be dependent upon a number of things. Personally speaking, I am an extremely goofy human being and when I think of what makes something funny a number of answers occur to me. A number of examples are, if something reminds someone of a previous funny event, a silly tone, something that I can relate to and the list could very well go on. For example, my best friend Sophia and I find almost the SAME EXACT things funny. There were innumerable times in high school where something happened, Sophia and I would be the only ones who were dying of laughter. This is proof that humor is extremely subjective and based on the crowd.
In speeches of history, especially presidential speeches, it is extremely common for the person to “crack” a few jokes and I would argue that I would be worried if someone did not make one joke throughout their speech. Using former president Barack Obama as an example, he is infamous for including humor as an agent within his speeches. This is another testament on how humor is subjective and crowd-based. The reason that former president made the joke is because, more times than not, it is a political matter that everyone is aware of. If he were to crack a joke that is exclusive to his immediate family, no one would get it and the joke would not go over well. Overall, humor is an all-inclusive community who’s success I would argue is subjectively based on its crowd.

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