Sunday, April 29, 2018

Bonus #12: Response to Aly Bonus 8 by Kathleen Paxtor

First of all, props to you Aly for getting it together this semester. I really wish I would have gotten a better routine so I wasn’t stuck writing papers at 1 a.m. I really like how you tried out a new system and explained it. It seemed like it really worked well for you. It made me think that I should incorporate this into my next semester classes because I usually live on the motto “living life day by day” and it really does screw me over many times. I love that with this system you have more time to hang out with friends and family and relax which I think is super important. Trying to balance school, friend, family, work, and a social life are almost impossible but you seem to have it figured out. Good luck on your Law School Admission Test! I too understand what you mean with having huge ambitions and getting carried away. Growing up in a poor family and becoming a first generation college student makes me feel like I have to do a lot to make my parents proud. I plan on going to Medical School and becoming a Pediatrician. Medical school is really hard to get into and I really wish I would have had better time management throughout my school years. I think that not really knowing what I was getting myself into with college in general was terrifying because I had no one to guide me I had to figure it out all on my own and now that I have I feel like it was too late. When I first read your bonus I became really interested in your system because these next few remaining semesters really count. I need shadowing hours, community service, study for my actual classes as well as the MCAT, work, church, gym, and family time; I feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day to do everything I need to. You inspired me to really think about how I manage my time, I would too love to be stress free and sleep more. I sleep on average 4-5 hours a day and sometimes it really gets to me. Next semester I plan on removing myself from all social media by deleting my apps and Netflix if I see that my grades are slipping. I too will make sure I plan my homework 3 days ahead so I don’t fall behind. Congratulation on making healthy life choices too! I recently have as well and it only adds more things to do on my schedule. I have to work in meal prepping and gym time which reduces my sleep/free time but it will all be worth it. I have lost 40 pounds since January 12 so that is one thing that I have going for me so far lol. But either way thank you for sharing this new system and I hope that everything works out in your favor—if I ever need a lawyer I will know who to call.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen,

    I'm glad you are working things out! I may have some resources to help you as you prepare for the MCAT. Social media does take a toll on me too and by deleting the mobile app, I have had no urges to binge watch!


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