Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bonus 8 by Aly Hernandez

This semester has been interesting. I have tried a new system of organization and time management that is different to my usual system. Instead of writing the due date of my major assignments on the actual due date in my planner I mark the due date 5 days before.  This has helped me get ahead and be stress free. It has improved my time by allowing me more leeway to do spontaneous things with friends and family. I am an active person, I work on campus, off campus, I am in a leadership organization, and I also volunteer at a local charity. I am proud of this system because I have actually stuck to it and have been very consistent in my school work and sleep schedule. My grades are excellent but I wish I had more time to myself to think, write, relax, and have fun. It can be difficult without a break and I know one of my weaknesses is that I take on more than I can handle. Luckily, my best friends are my roommates and my other close friends are no more than a 5 minute drive from me. I see them most days throughout the week and it makes for a great support system. While we do not always get to go out and have fun, we make up for it through studying together and making silly jokes. 

My goal for the end of the year is to have studied for the Law School Admission Test. I intend to go to law school to get a Juris Doctorate in Human Rights and Immigration as well as Civil Rights. My dream is to one day be given the opportunity to run for political office to represent my community. 

By May 9 I want to take a quick break and enjoy spending time with friends, which means that I will need to do some planning and focus on more organization to be able to make this happen. In three weeks I want to have registered for fall classes especially the Arabic course I plan on beginning in the fall. In a month I hope to be better with my public speaking skills and communication skills. I met an amazing public speaker at a leadership summit, reached out to him for help with public speaking, and have been practicing those techniques. In 6 weeks I want to have begun the internship with Representative Emanuel Cleaver II if they accept me into the program.  

I have huge ambitions and sometimes I can get carried away which is why I have also been practicing practical goal setting. I hope I am able to fulfill all of my goals and one day make it to my dream law school, Georgetown University. I have been making healthy lifestyle changes to improve my overall emotional and physical health.  Self-care is big on my list of priorities. 

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