Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bonus 7: Teens Take On Activism

Gun control is an extremely controversial topic in public conversations as well as fairly private affairs such as politics. Various events such as mass shootings, has prompted the fruition of this conversation. I am not one to judge when the revelation of gun control will commence but it is my hope that it changes fairly soon. There is a domino effect to follow the decision of laws pertaining to gun control. I feel that the loose restriction on guns is what prompts such recent tragic events in our country. Since such tragic events have transpired in relation to these changes in laws, I feel as if we should revert back to a more strict time as it relates to gun control. There have been several arguments on how there is a direct correlation between the implementation of less strict gun laws and tragic events involving guns. I believe that gun control should promote the safest environment for all citizens, taking into account of all solid arguments proposed.
There has been an innumerable amount of lives lost due to the simple fact of guns being placed in the wrong hands. If history or research literally shows us how we can prohibit, or at least decrease the probability, of these tragic events occurring then we definitely should take those precautions. If the loss of more potential innocent human beings lives (and the lives lost already) is not enough then I am not sure what will strike a change as it relates to gun control.
While I do think that these young people striving to make change are definitely brave in their actions, change does not have to be dependent upon their actions, or future actions. These teenagers are inspiring to say the least and are potentially our future leaders, but I do not feel as if the work is solely theirs to do. Rather, legislation should look at the argument of the protesters and take their sentiments into serious consideration. These young leaders Cate Whitman and Winter Minisee are aware that the issues of gun control are above them and ultimately up to legislation. In their Vox interview Winter Minisee says that, “In terms of the walkout, we are definitely encouraging students to register to vote, because a lot of the problem is the people who are in office.” I believe that these young people are making fairly solid arguments and should have their argument considered at the very least.
         While it does not look very promising currently for change in gun control, the activism that these teenagers are displaying is inspiring for the future. Their strategic planning and plan of execution is extremely plausible. I have hope and it is my hope that in due time gun control laws will change for the better. The United States government is an extremely complex apparatus so in order for true change to occur, one would have to penetrate those in power in order to provoke change. With all of these being said, I am definitely intrigued to see what the future of these young women holds and also intrigued to see what will come in the next few years as it relates to gun control.

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