Sixth grade I went to Lincoln College Preparatory Academy and without any rhyme or reason, I was a target of incessant bullying. Did I look like a target? Maybe. I was shorter than everyone else and my hair was something of nightmares. My mother permed my hair so if you can imagine short bone straight and short and dreadfully styled hair on an elf that came to everyone's chests that was me. My hair was a subject of teasing a lot in sixth grade. I remember one day it got so bad and I was so tired of the teasing that I thought stupidly "I'm going to wear a false pony today! That'll show 'em!" All day that day I walked around for the first time in a while with my head proud. Right before Math, we all lined up outside of the classroom waiting for the previous class to be over with. I want you to keep in mind that at this very moment there is a hallway full of children to watch me get teased and I didn't understand the danger. I go to the water fountain and i hear snickering behind me. Out of the blue, my pony was snatched clean off my head leaving a nub of neatly tucked straight hair behind. There's a vine of a white kid doing the same thing to a girl in a "yagga" 'challenge and gets his lights knocked clean out... that was me. It only took a second of laughter bouncing off the walls of the hallway for me to start a'swingin'. I was so embarrassed that I acted out in anger. From then on the kids who teased me would it at a distance but that didn't make things better.
Seventh grade was a year so full of shit that we won't be talking about it. Its also when I sent through a brief scene phase. Imagine that same short, heat damaged hair styled into a pixie and covering most of my forehead and eyes. In seventh grade, tired of all that happened to me in sixth grade, I had remastered my personality- I was queen bitch. I had taken no shit from anyone and that was the same personality I marched into South Valley Junior High in Liberty, MO with in 8th grade. My brother had died the summer before I started 8th grade and the last thing I needed was to be a laughing stock. I walked with my head high, catwalked, and was super nonchalant about everything BUT because I was tough for no reason in that school full of soft children I made myself an outcast but that was okay because no amount of Abercrombie and Fitch could ever make me as preposterous as them. I was singled out because I was poor and I guess to them nothing was funnier than a confident poor person. #yay
I'll skip a lot of grades again and end here with my favorite. In my Junior year of high school at Liberty North, the school built like an airport, there was a rumor crafted on the rumor mill that made no absolute sense whatsoever. Here's why: I never missed a day of school. It started with a tag on FB, "Man, free my girl Dianesa! She didn't do shit!" Why yes, indeed. I haven't done anything. More posts like that come in as a couple days pass and I continued to go to school. I didn't say anything about the posts and neither did my friends. Day 3 and I'm sitting at an assembly. A girl taps me on the shoulder, "How did you get out so early?" and it was then that I learned that I had stolen a car and was arrested and thrown into jail for it. Not once did someone use common sense and deduced that there was no way I could've been in jail and at school at the same time.

Turns out, excuse the duck lips- I fell victim to the fad, I was mistaken for this girl in the picture that I used to hang out a lot with. North was a heavily white school and apparently, we looked just like each other, ya' know... being black and all. <3
Here ends my retelling of the past. I often hear about how your younger years or high school years are the best years of your life but I spit and kick dirt at that statement. Children are cruel but young adults are even crueler.
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