Sunday, May 13, 2018

Bonus 13 Montaya Mccloud

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go (E. L. Doctorow). 
Discourse 300 Was very different and difficult for me but it was a course I believe I very well needed. I am not used to having a hard time in an English class. I learned about what I lacked in and what I was good at. In the past I was very much used to research paper based English classes, which are way different than this blogging class style. This class made me really use my brain to think and come up with arguments when writing an essay. I had to take some time and actually think how to even write for this class and overcome a little personal inside discouragement that I implemented within my own head. What I loved about this class is the discussion leader. I liked how you made sure every had to voice their point of view on the stories. I am a very introverted person, so this made me have to become a little extroverted for a few days. I really didn’t care for the online assignment posting as we went throughout the class. I do better when I have a schedule of every assignment the class will have at the beginning because it takes me longer to write what the average person would write so I usually start earlier on assignments. Also, I believe it is king of hard for people who are not as advanced with using blogger, or doing work electronically and turning it in. I would have liked turning in actual papers and assignments in better than posting them. The weekly quizzes did a great job making sure us readers stayed on “our toes”. The weekly print out points helped as a reminder to read for the actual quiz in the begging of the class.  Something that I really liked about the class was how Ms.Casady let the class flow in whatever direction we would end up in, an you let people have their own perspective on things. I believe Ms. Casady was a very good teacher and wanted everyone to become a better writer. As a teacher there was never a day that she was rude or didn’t seem like she wanted to be there. I also liked that she could tell apart the different personalities in the class and understood that some students were not as open as all students. I believe Ms. Casady did a great job learning every actual student over the semester. Also, another great thing was about her sharing her actual life and background in the begging and throughout the year and bringing us honey to taste. As Stated by Gustave Flaubert, the art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe. This class definitely Tested writers to figure out what points and arguments did they really believe in or to present good essays and speeches. I like everything about this class, with a exemption of the Online portion.

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